Dec 1, 2009


I'm trying to get caught up on some of my posting, theres a few new posts before this one and I've been meaning to post this for a while now...
I personally have never been in this postion, and can only imagine how hard and trying it must be, but I've seen how infertility has affected some of my close friends.

I've also seen the miracle of adoption, I was able to see my best friend from home and her husband finally be able to start their own eternal family through adoption :)

I am hoping that by posting this on my blog maybe the word will get out and be passed along and who knows, maybe the right person will hear about it...

Kendall and Katy are looking to adopt and add to their little family. They really are amazing people with an adorable little girl who really wants to be a big sister some day. If you have a minute, please check out their blog here
and please pass the word along :)

2 years....

and tumor free!!!! Yay Livie!! :)
Alyvia just had her MRI the day before Thanksgiving...I was sickly nervous, it is out of my hands, but I always worry, its always in the back of my mind, what if...what if the tumor comes back? However, her MRI looked great!! What a great reminder especially around Thanksgiving time of just how much I have to be thankful for. Most of all my healthy little girl :)

There is a little girl in Livie's preschool class whom we have gotten to know. Her name is Maryn, she is 4 years old as and she has a tumor in the same place Livie's was- the brain stem.
This little girl's tumor is not operable. Most tumors in the brain stem are inoperable...radiation does not kill these fast growing tumors, it can only buy her a little more time here on Earth. Maryn is getting sicker and weaker each day. It breaks my heart to watch her slowly dying from this brain tumor. Maryn's mom is not giving up hope yet, though. You can visit Maryn's blog here
Since this touches so close to home for me I can't help but wonder why... Why Livie is still here, especially when the odds were not in her favor at all. She beat all the odds, though, and she really is a miracle. I am SO SO grateful and thankful to my Father in Heaven that she is still here, that she is healthy and doing well.
I don't know what the future holds for Livie, for Maryn, for anyone, but I know we have to have faith and find the simple joy in every day life. Because life is crazy and you just never know what will happen.

I am so glad that I've gotten to spend as much time with Livie that I have, I've been very blessed in that I get to bring her to work with me and then I work some graveyard shifts so I can still be home with Livie during the day. The mother/daughter bond we have is amazing and I just love this little girl's spunk, she definitely tests my patience at times, she is quite the little fireball, but I sure do love you, Livie bug!!! Thanks for being my girl :)
RECAP of Halloween:
(better late than never, right ;)

Carving/painting pumpkins (Livie was totally grossed out by the pumpkin guts so we decided to paint one instead)

Haha love her face!

Finished product

Feeding the geese

Halloween!! Livie was a fairy princess...and yes, she pulls these faces and throws up a peace sign for every picture...

Ha, look at that face...

My sweet little fairy

At preschool with Livie