Dec 1, 2009


I'm trying to get caught up on some of my posting, theres a few new posts before this one and I've been meaning to post this for a while now...
I personally have never been in this postion, and can only imagine how hard and trying it must be, but I've seen how infertility has affected some of my close friends.

I've also seen the miracle of adoption, I was able to see my best friend from home and her husband finally be able to start their own eternal family through adoption :)

I am hoping that by posting this on my blog maybe the word will get out and be passed along and who knows, maybe the right person will hear about it...

Kendall and Katy are looking to adopt and add to their little family. They really are amazing people with an adorable little girl who really wants to be a big sister some day. If you have a minute, please check out their blog here
and please pass the word along :)


the Petterson Family said...

Wow! Kind of insane that I know her through blogging! And now come to find out she's your good friend! We hope the very best for them!

Kendall and Katy said...

Thanks Megan! You are awesome!