Nov 6, 2007

Life is so precious

Hospital Friends

Livie is doing alright today, she had a bad morning, but then had a better afternoon. Her CT scan looks the same....they still don't know why she has a build up of spinal fluid in her brain, and they don't know if the lumbar drain is really helping it.....guess we'll wait and see. The ultrasound didn't pick up her blood clots though, so hopefully the clots are gone or really small. There is so much unknown right now with the things going on in Livie's brain. Cerebellar Mutism is rare and the brain is so complex. Alyvia said a few words today, she said "I need you" to me, and it made my day. She does remember me!! I also got to hold her for 5 minutes and she snuggled with me, so that was nice. (: (Alyvia is not usually supposed to be held or moved with the lumbar drain in)

We do miss our friends from the P ICU, we met some incredible families in there. Its amazing how much we bonded with each other, we worry with each other, cry with each other and laugh with each other. We especially miss the Pearson family, little Ian has touched my heart forever and I think of him often. Life is so precious, you just never know when your time is up.

1 comment:

lexiandgriffinstaxi said...

Livie and Heavenly Father have heard your prayers and knew that you needed to see a glimmer of your Livie in there. She does need you, just as much as you need her. You are such a great mommy with such great faith and love. You continue to amaze me with your strength and faith. What an example you are to all of us!
Please tell Livie we love her. XOXO